November 12, 2011


How should we define poverty? It could be the inaccessibility to basic resources or the deprivation of opportunities to people. There may be different interpretations and meaning for poverty but it is evident that poverty will remain in this world. In particular, poverty can also be measured according to the United Nations Development Programme using the Human Development Index. This statistic report gives a ranking on countries based on human development which is also attributed to the condition of the people in different territories; and poverty is one of them. Many countries still continue to belong in poverty zone which is below the average amount of money that the people should earn in order to access basic commodities. That is why many concerned organizations continue to assess countries and try to alleviate the growing poverty rate of countries around the world. In connection with Globalization, this could entail either a good or bad effect towards the poverty rate.

Globalization promises to close the gap between nations and tries to establish as much as possible, a free and accessible trade and communication within each sovereign nations. Many countries are continually enjoying the benefits of Globalization which also provides opportunities to different people all over the world. It affected the way people as well as nations grow and develop. But there are also effects which seem to be bad for nations especially for poor countries. It is alleged that behind the good intentions of Globalization comes the deeper intention of rich and powerful nations to control the poor and weak countries; it is like as nations close the gap between the boundaries of each nation comes the consequence that rich nations become richer and poor nations become poorer. The tendency of this is that since Globalization promotes a free and growing world, it comes with exploitation of material resources and also human workforce from poor countries. There will always be different views regarding the effects of Globalization especially towards the growing poverty rate. But is it justifiable to say that poverty will never be eradicated? You be the judge. 

Poverty has greatly affected how any country strive to develop and globalize. This factor should not be tried to be resolved by the government units alone. The citizens should also strive for the development of their own economic status. There may be some traits that we need to work on or culture that needs to be retracted. This situation definitely gives us something to think about. The change should start from every individual. I reckon that if we would be efficient ourselves, this should help our nation as well. It would not take just a leader to make things possible. The leader would need his subordinates or members to do the bigger move.  - E.T.

Globalization represents success and development among others, but it also drives some countries into poverty. Somehow, the forward growth of development, technology, communication and health - has led to dramatic changes in humanity. Long are the days when people accepted their fates as it is handed to them. Now, people make solutions to their problems through the aid of the products that globalization has created. Sadly, globalization is only for those who can afford it. Millions of people nowadays don't have access to basic healthcare, food and necessities even when the news headlines tell of recent advancements in technology and medicine. Globalization is beneficial to those who use it to their advantage, but it is harmful to those who cannot bring it to their positive use. Poverty is all over the world, and somehow it becomes the root of crimes committed when people get desperate to get their needs fulfilled in order to survive life. - R.S.

Ever since globalization has taken place in our world, a lot of improvements happened which goal is to make the lives of people easier and more convenient. Sadly, this globalization trying to bring development to our world, also created a distinction between people who can afford to help themselves with the things development has to offer and those who cannot. Thus, poverty has been created and when there is poverty, there is violence. Even the very things globalization  has brought for people to use, like technology, is being used to deceive people and take advantage of them. Not everyone gets the advantages and benefits globalization and development has to offer because as the world moves forward, their standards of living do not go forward together with the rich people, thus, globalization is just making it more difficult for poor people to develop as the standards of what is developed rises. As the world develops, the rich gets richer and the poor becomes poorer. The world moves forward but leaving people behind who can't go with the flow. Globalization has to address the issue so that the world will be truly developed. - K.N.

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