October 24, 2011

European Union and Globalization

European Union

European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It has delivered half a century of peace, stability, and prosperity, helped raise living standards, launched a single European currency (Euro), and is progressively building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods, services, and capital move among Member States as freely as within one country. The EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. The first steps were to foster economic cooperation. This regionalism organization began as a purely economic union and has evolved into an organization spanning all areas, from development aid to environmental policy. It actively promotes human rights and democracy and has the most ambitious emission reduction targets for fighting climate change in the world. 

European Union and Globalization

Globalization unifies the world’s economic order by reducing the barriers of economic factors just like what EU has done to its member countries. In treaties that the EU has, free movement of trade and workers allows each member state to expand its capabilities and resources. Also, the means of EU in giving financial aid is a way of expanding and stabilizing the economies of its member states. It also serves as the center where countries under it get in touch with one another, moving and developing as one. One good thing about EU is that they consider each member state's opinion and stand in formulating and implementing policies and rules, this shows that there is respect and belief in one another. This strengthens the relationship of the member states which actually leads to them helping out each other and developing together; a key concept of Globalization.


European Union is an organization wherein its member states help one another in developing in all aspects especially in economics. Its member states work together as one towards development and growth. Through this EU, wherein market and law is one and applicable to all, the gap between the member states was gone and people can travel and have their jobs in another EU country. Relationships between member states improved and became stronger than before. The EU is what binds these member states together. Globalization has been illustrated in this association because it is through their decision to have one body and one work that they will develop together as one even if they are many and different member states. This work of unity in the European Union will then change each country into something more than what it can be if it were to stand and work alone. Because of globalization, development happens to everyone without someone having to stand alone in reaching the goal. - K.N.

The European Union is an organization which is an indirect result of globalization. The need to be more cooperative with one another, the EU was established to pull its member European countries closer to one another and effectively implement policies within its circle. The EU is a political organization; and globalization is represented in the way the leaders of each country socialize with its neigboring nations. The actions of the world leaders determine whether EU's goals will be pushed for action or not. This is also important since some of these programs are aimed for the good and welfare of the general citizens of Europe. However it also becomes a problem for all when there is a hit in the economy and a change in policy. When there is the current trend for unemployment or inflation, all member countries experience the effect. Globalization connects the nations and the world trends, so there appears to be an interdependence among each other and to their environment. - R.S.

Like any other regional organizations, the European Union sees to it that all the countries united under the organization are focused on one goal --- to become a more developed country inspite of the fluctuating and unpredictable economic factors.  Globalization is also made possible by EU. Countries move forward hand in hand to be on a stable state. Even if EU is currently experiencing a deepening crisis at the moment, this would not hinder the member countries to strive in competing around the international trade. Thus, this crisis somewhat serves as challenge for member countries to prove their worth internationally. Each of them could not do it individually, so the union should take advantage of their alliances to resist the deepening depression for this unified organization.  - E.T.

Globalization has always been associated with the relationship of each state to other states. It was defined that actions connected with globalization aim to portray a living world that encourages free movement of natural resources, human resources, and all the other products that are manufactured through trade facilities. Just like what the European Union has in their setup. Through the report, it was mentioned that EU has rules posted in their organization that encourages the free movement of resources within the boundaries of each member state. With that, we can see that the goal of EU in having a free resources movement across its member nations is achieved.D.S.

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